Thursday, July 05, 2007

My Mind -->>> Its Blank!!!!!

This will be a series which will have all the absurd thoughts I have every day from morning to evening. Yes this will be boring things like should I switch on the fan today or wait for my roomies to do that …..u know still u need to think about it :)

I’m totally blank these days.

This month three of my friends are leaving due to various reasons. Three had already left and one more to leave on this Sunday. If I look back for last two weeks, my mind was totally blank. On each day morning, all I think about is the exact time at which I need to reach my office. Becoz my company has been strict on timelines lately, so I have to be punctual. But if I think beyond, I don’t do much of work once I reach office as I’m on bench.
Breakfast time used to be enjoyable when I had a company to be with when I go for breakfast. But now even pretty gals sitting opposite to me doesn’t interest me. God am I loosing something here. After breakfast also there is no hurry to reach my cubicle as I know there is no urgent mail to be replied. Apart from the machine generated mail and some stupid process mails, I don’t get much mails also.
I hardly make any conversation with new people now days. May be my life style prevents me from meeting new people. I commute to office by bikes which prevent me from meeting anyone in auto / bus. Here I’m not talking about gals or something. I’m talking about the people with I talk on a daily basis. I talk to my mom daily, then to my roomies and some times to my boss. Otherwise I’m all along thinking about nothing and doing nothing my dreams has dried out and I don’t dream much also.

This started sometime back and it is getting intensified when two of my roomies are leaving and two of my last project mates left. I guess time has cure to everything and this environment will change soon. When ever I was into a state of too much comfort in one or the other way, things will start to change drastically which happens with entrance into a totally new thing or a new person. I hope the same thing will be repeated here also.
Waiting for a change to my life style ……yes it is time to change some things in my life

I guess you are utterly bored or die-hard-situation-nothing else-to-do, otherwise you won’t read this blog this far J . But believe me, things will be back on track, busy and streaming all along soon….its just a hard turn, not a dead end for me, what do you say?

1 comment:

ketki said...

liked ur blog, visited for the first time
keep blogging!