Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Life's Colors, It is gray!

It is easy to live in a black & white world where you can live with straight lines and defined shapes. As in the moral stories we heard in our childhood where the villain is full of evil and the hero is the living idol of good! Now when we see the world with a thin load of 20 to 30 years behind us, the picture we could draw about the world is never black or white. It is somewhere in the middle. Even when judgmental is the one thing we try to remove from our mind every moment of our life, we circle back to the same level next moment judging each of things or humans around us. The final outcome is never a black or white result; it just draws another undefined shape with the color ‘Gray’. Be it a relative, a friend a stranger, no one is of one color, they change color with time and circumstances and they fill a little of black and white each time they change sides! Some are of a lighter shade with less guilt and more are of a darker shade with a symbol of pride over their achievement. At the end of the journey, does it even matter if what our color is while we exit the world or does it change the true course of cycles of life as in re incarnation?

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