Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Soul !

I close my eyes i see her,I wish i could close them for ever,

Not wanting to open them to find her gone,It's been a long time that i have smiled,

A smile that is not fake, a smile from my heart,With filled eyes,

I sit there gathering strenght,Gathering strenght to let go,

Let go of everything,I sit there starring at those empty bottles,

Even they couldn't give me relief,Even they couldn't help me forget,

I sit there starring at the luring shine,Finally i make the cut and let it flow,

I make the cut deep enough, as deep as my sorrow,

Deep enough to sink me, sink my sadness,I can feel myself geting empty,

Empty of the pain and the sorrow, empty of the life,

The blarring in the eyes, the faintness in the head gives me,

Gives me a sense of freedom, gives me a sense of relief,

As I close my eyes i see her,I smile at last, after a long time.....

:- Author Unknown

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